Tuesday, September 15, 2009

White T-shirts to the rescue!

Last Friday evening I found myself in a terrible situation. I had to be at work (Bartending @ the fabulous Dokebi in Williamsburg) in less than one hour, and I had absolutely nothing to wear. I had completely exhausted all of my options (as the pile of clothes strewn about my room could attest to.) In a panic I grabbed a Hanes white mens v-neck, a pair of scissors and started hacking away at the collar and sleeves.

Here is the result:

I likey the result but it still needed some shape, so I cinched the back with a mini heart-shaped brooch. The brooch has my name on it and was given to me by a friend from a past life. Now the shirt is personalized and extra special.

Not to mention a little more sexy.

Take that white T-shirt!!

On a final note. I don't recommend bartending in a white T-shirt.

xo- hMC

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Last night I hosted a "Naked Lady Party". Stand down pervs. A naked lady party is nothing more than a clothing swap between friends. So after opening a bottle of wine, and snacking on these baby caprese salad bites that I made,

we got right down to business. Look at how excited Leah was!

We started by tossing everything into a pile on the floor. After sorting through and seeing what each of us liked we moved into the dressing room aka my bedroom.

For those of you on the slower side of things, here is why we call it a naked lady party!

We were very civil about the swapping and if I liked something but thought it would look better on Leah I happily gave it to her to try.

In the end I think we all ended up with some great new duds. Even Laser got in on the action!

I am definitely going to be hosting more naked lady parties in the future!

xo- hMC

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I've become kind of obsessed with my wardrobe lately. Fueled by my dwindling budget, and my love of a good deal drilled into me by mommy dearest, I've become quite the thrifty shopper. Take a look at one of my favorite finds of the summer. I bought this Mara Hoffman dress at Beacon's Closet for $40. The dress retails at $286, so while $40 might seem steep for second hand it's really quite a steal. Here is the asymmetrical version of the same dress. Mine is the winged version.

Pretty hot right? I didn't even realize the tigers in the pattern until I got it in the dressing room. That was pretty much the dealbreaker so I purchased it. Upon bringing it home my dumbass, (not realizing it was 100% silk) threw it in the washer and dryer. It's nowhere near as silky and shiny soft as it once was but it still makes for a KILLER sexy beach coverup.

Girls and boys, ALWAYS check your labels before washing any garment. Lesson learned.

Stay tuned for more peeks into my closet!