Thursday, August 6, 2009


Tomorrow I will be heading off to Florida to celebrate in the wedding of two of my dear friends. Maggie is my closest friend in New York. She's also probably the person I've been friends with the longest since living here. We've been through it all together... crappy jobs, awful apartments, and bad boyfriends. This weekend will be a real milestone to me because it's the first of my New York friends to go off and get married. Most of my New York pals have always been single. It's just a more common way of life here. Now as we get older I see everyone around me slowing down, maturing and in this case...getting hitched! It's going to be a great celebration. I adore Frank and can actually say that I was the one that introduced these two. I was dating Franks brother at the time and I forced Maggie to go out with me so I could meet him at the bar. She didn't want to go but I dragged her and as soon as we got there she went to the bathroom. While she was in there I saw Frank who I had met the week before at a party. As soon as I saw him at the bar that night, an imaginary cartoon light bulb went on above my head! Maggie has to meet this guy! They'll LOVE each other. When she got back from the bathroom she told me some guy had been staring at her while she was waiting in line and it really annoyed her. Sure enough, turns out it was Frank. I introduced them and the next thing I knew they were smooching at the bar. They've been smooching ever since and this Saturday we will all celebrate. I can't wait to Party! Congrats Maggie & Frank. I love you both!