Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baby Ballet!

 Today was the last day of the summer semester at my teaching job. I teach ballet to tots! So we had an open class and the parents came in to watch them gallop around the room, twirl with scarves, and point and flex their toes. At the end of the class I gave them each their own princess crowns and homemade awards. They are so little it's hard to really teach them any actual ballet skills but I am proud of them, for picking up the order of the class and learning how to take turns. They are so cute! Here they are!

Monday, August 25, 2008


 I came across something yesterday that just really tugged at my heartstrings. For reals.
 Let me preface this by saying that ever since I was a little girl, my mother used to refer to anything homely looking ie: a bulldog, or one of those wrinkly hairless cats as being "So ugly that it's cute". Maybe that is the appeal of this little critter I'm about to share with you but I think there's more to it then that. Ok so get ready for this.
 There is a cat named Chase that has no face. I shit you not. This is for real. He was in a terrible accident when he was a four week old kitten and I don't know exactly what happened, but I do know that his face was ripped completely off. We're talking a sweet lovable furry cat that's pure eyeballs and pink flesh. He's a beacon of hope to disfigured people, even non disfigured people everywhere, and he absolutely melts my cold little heart!

And just when you think it couldn't get anymore find out that he has his own blog!

Chase you are the coolest! You are an inspiration.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Reunited Hey heeeeey!

Last night was a special occasion. My friend Ilya was in Town. I met Ilya at least three years ago through my friend Katie. Katie had always been one of my dearest friends that I've had since living in New York. Sadly though, we had a falling out last summer that lead to an estrangement that has somehow lasted until now. The long story short here is that last night I got to see her and talk to her for the first time in a year. And even though things may not be the same between us, it felt really good to see an old friend that has been so missed. 

Now below I will post some pictures of the dancefloor debauchery that also occured.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Someone tell me, wheres the party?

All ages???
This made me laugh.

 I hope there will be a super fun party in my near future. I think I really could use it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome to my blog

 When I was much younger, I always fell victim to wanting whatever trendy thing all the cool kids had. In fourth grade it was fanny packs and these weird glass pacifier charms. In middle school it was these hideous Z-Cavaricci pants:

Today most of the people I know who I consider "cool" have blogs.  Well some things never change and I want one too dammit! So here it is and I will try my best to update it frequently as well as include some photos and videos for your enjoyment. 

Now I leave you with a video of my cat Laserbeam being cute: