Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quo -co-deel

If I learned to speak French, would I be anywhere near this cute?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The ABC's of voting.

I just voted. I was lucky enough to not have to wait in any long lines but I was very nervous that something would happen where the volunteers would tell me that for some reason I wouldn't be able to vote. When I arrived I tell them my name and hand them my official voters card thingy and the lady looks up the M's, but goes nowhere near the Mc's. She's looking very closely through the Me's. Once she's done looking through two pages of last names that are not anywhere near where mine actually was, she closes the book and starts to blab on to me about how my name isn't there so I have to fill out one of those lame ass paper ballots. I calmly explain to her that she didn't even look in the Mc's and that my last name starts with an Mc. She opens it again and flips again to the Me's! So I calmly say to her "C is before E, you are looking in the wrong spot" finally she flips through page by page and I have to point my name out to her! I'm sorry to be mean but who are these retards that they have working these things?It is so frustrating to think about how many people might have been turned away and ended up just not voting, because the volunteer didn't know alphabetical order. Unbelievable.