Wednesday, December 17, 2008

3 decades of sass.

Goodbye twenties! You were fun, confusing, and some of the best years of my life so far. I'll reminisce about you always but I'm ready for something new. Hello thirty! Happy birthday to me!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quo -co-deel

If I learned to speak French, would I be anywhere near this cute?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The ABC's of voting.

I just voted. I was lucky enough to not have to wait in any long lines but I was very nervous that something would happen where the volunteers would tell me that for some reason I wouldn't be able to vote. When I arrived I tell them my name and hand them my official voters card thingy and the lady looks up the M's, but goes nowhere near the Mc's. She's looking very closely through the Me's. Once she's done looking through two pages of last names that are not anywhere near where mine actually was, she closes the book and starts to blab on to me about how my name isn't there so I have to fill out one of those lame ass paper ballots. I calmly explain to her that she didn't even look in the Mc's and that my last name starts with an Mc. She opens it again and flips again to the Me's! So I calmly say to her "C is before E, you are looking in the wrong spot" finally she flips through page by page and I have to point my name out to her! I'm sorry to be mean but who are these retards that they have working these things?It is so frustrating to think about how many people might have been turned away and ended up just not voting, because the volunteer didn't know alphabetical order. Unbelievable. 

Thursday, October 30, 2008


8am. Again. The day I get to sleep in.  And don't worry, this is just something I found on youtube to show you what I've been going through.  I do live at ground level, and I do have bars on my windows. My Jackhammers are across the street though, but just as loud.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Super Holly

Ok, so I have to give credit to my friend Naomi for this but it the greatest thing I've seen all day.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Morning?

 Thursdays are the one weekday that I get to sleep in. So far however, it has proven impossible. Of course I naturally wake at 7am by the feeling of my bladder which is about to explode. So by the time I walk through the hallway of my building (as to not wake up my roommate who sleeps in the room right next to mine in a railroad apartment) unlock the kitchen door and make my way to the bathroom, I'm already significantly alert and awake. I shlep back through the hallway (which is a little weird yes, it is the actual hallway of the building and remember I'm still in pajamas and bedheaded), reenter my bedroom and try my best to go back to sleep. Today I did fall back asleep in phases between the cat acting like a maniac and bad dreams about Ian. Fun fun fun! Then promptly at 9 I am jolted out of my half sleep nightmares by a jackhammer right outside the window. Oh the joys of living on the ground floor. By the time I get annoyed enough to put my cute pink earplugs in, the jackhammers decide to go silent, get in their trucks, and go home to wherever jackhammers go. The cat is now sleeping sweetly on the corner of the bed, and the street outside is suddenly the quietest street in all of Bushwick. Amazing. And here I am, wide awake now writing this cranky blog which hopefully someone will enjoy.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

just trying to live.

So Mercury is finally out of retrograde which I guess means now it's heading in the right direction and all the miscommunications, and other bumpy areas we've been experiencing for the past few weeks should be getting noticeably smoother from here until the end of October. I still feel like I want to hide inside until then but I am also antsy to get back out there and start having fun. I've been doing a bit of introspective thinking and I worry that I'm not aware of how I'm affecting people sometimes. Especially when I'm affecting them in a negative way. It's tricky because of course I don't mean anyone any harm but it's possible I've been way wrapped up in my own shit lately. Even just tonight coming home on the L train the lady sitting next to me yelled at me. She said I kept hitting her with my hand while I was reading my newspaper. She was probably right and it probably was a little annoying but I also don't think I deserved to be yelled at for it. We all have our bad days and I have to say I've had my fair share of them lately. I guess what I have a problem with is being made to feel like a bad person. I'm willing to take responsibility for the fact that my head has been in a fucked up place lately and I have not been at my best, but it's also nice to know that your friends can recognize what you are going through and try to be understanding. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Can I?

Have you ever wanted to just stay, locked up inside your apartment, phone turned off, for weeks at a time so that nothing else can possibly go wrong?

Friday, October 10, 2008

On a lighter note

 This is my friend Katie and I. We like to do funny things, like dress up in crazy outfits with wigs, and make mini movies of ourselves. Not only is she fun to hang out with, but she also rescued my ass by letting me live with her for two weeks when I was going through heartbreak hell. During this time we had a few really good laughs and I wanted to share one in particular with you now.

 On one of the first nights that I was staying over, I happened upon this sign in the elevator:

"You guys, ummm...someone stole Christa's off-white sheets!" I say sarcastically when I get inside the apartment. Katie and her sister just start laughing and in unison say,  "AND SHE IS PISSED!"

For some reason this passive aggressive note with the multiple esses just cracked our asses up. so we decided to pull a good old fashioned prank on Christa. We got out all of Katies magazines and proceeded to create this:

We were going to finish it off with three photos. One of each of us wearing one of the following costumes: a mummy, a toga, and a classic sheet ghost with eye holes. Below would have been written HALLOWEEN IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! We were too chicken to have our pictures on a threatening note, even though it was obviously a joke. 

What pranks have you pulled lately? 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Please let this be rock bottom

It hurts when you realize that the one person who you thought mattered most wouldn't be willing to step up for you in a time of crisis. Or even get out of bed to give you a hug.
I'll keep this short because it won't be pretty.
Good news I found a beautiful apartment with a wonderful roommate. Bad news, that same night my purse was stolen with everything in it. Wallet, camera, checkbook, ipod, keys...everything.
So the slate is wiped totally clean which is a good thing everyone keeps telling me, but I have to disagree. Everything else in life was working fine. He was the only thing that needed to be removed.
I got my phone replaced but I need everyones numbers again so contact me.
Hoping to be moved out of the apartment of pain by the weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


 I really wanted to post a blog about a prank I recently pulled with a couple of friends of mine, but it includes photos that are still on my camera, and the cord that attaches my computer to the camera is somewhere back at the apartment of pain. I'm not ready to go back there. I'll go buy a new cord if I have too. Once you see what we did you won't be disappointed. Whatever happened to good old fashioned pranks anyway? People are so sensitive nowadays. 
 Yesterday I got caught in a rainstorm after work while walking home so I ducked into park bar for a whiskey on an empty stomach. It made me feel invincible. Like I was ready to go out and have some fun. Only I couldn't enlist anyone to come be reckless with me, so I just walked home in the rain. 
 Both of the places that I've been staying at since last week are very poorly lit. I never understood how people can live in a home with inadequate lighting.  Especially when you are trying to get ready to go out in the morning. How can you see what you are doing? It's nothing personal, I guess I'm just feeling agitated right now without a home to call my own. 
 Stay tuned for more funny and entertaining blogs soon. I promise.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 5

 Welcome to my new life. Just call me urchingirl, as in street urchin. If you see that girl in the brown leather jacket, toting her heavy laptop bag back and forth through Williamsburg, with a furrowed brow, greasy scowl on her face, eyes lowered to the ground...that's me. Just trying to keep busy, keep my head up, and stay around friends but that's not always possible. Thank god for cigarettes, cheap coffee and cafes with patios and free wifi. These are my new friends. The apartment search seems futile as I'm determined to move back to Williamsburg, my constant security blanket. My home since I left home to move to this crazy city. My very own Cheers, where everybody really does know my name. Just walking down the street with genuine smiles and friendly waves. It is comforting in a way. I've spoken to my mother more in the past four days than I have in the past four months. My one source of true unconditional love. I have been surrounded by friends thus far, but today starts the dealing with this on my own phase. It's ok though. Everything is happening as I am ready for it. I'm still no where near fine. Don't expect to be for quite some time.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The heartbreak blog

Day 3 of project breakup. This one is fresher than fresh. I am lying on our bed in our room as I type this and I am out of my mind with grief. No one can tell me anything that can make me feel better. Crying constantly has become the new normal. There is a constant drizzle outside that perfectly matches up with my emotional state. I'm staying with friends but he's gone this weekend so I decided to come here to see the cat and pretty much just freak out and get it all out of me. I looked around at the room we rearranged together. Read the lyrics of some breakup songs that he wrote. Collapsed on the bed and sobbed through cries of " no!" Smelling him on the pillow the entire time. I don't want to break up. I'm not ready to give up. All I want is him. I can't see out of this darkness. We were so happy. He told me he really did want to marry me once. But now he feels trapped. I know there is probably no changing of his mind, but what can I say? I'm devastated. All I want is to be with him still. He swears to me he has nothing else going on but it's hard to understand then why he's just over it. I don't have the love of my life anymore, and I don't even have a place to call home. I am sadder than sadder than sadder than sad. I don't want to break up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Holly and the hellions

Massive headache from last night.  Ouch. Puck Fair, bar at the pier, Darkroom, and Max Fish.

We rearranged our bedroom last weekend and it's so great. Tons more space now and a nice relaxing environment to work, play, and sleep in. If you have the space to rearrange your room I highly recommend it.

What should I be for Halloween? I want to be some kind of zombie. Maybe zombie princess, or zombie housewife, or maybe just be a hellion. What is a hellion exactly? Not sure but I like the way it sounds.

I wish my hair would grow faster.

The fall weather is nice, but it makes me want to shop.

I'd really like to play some scrabble this weekend.

That's it for now.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Montauk Madness

 For Labor day weekend, my friend Katie invited me to Montauk to hang with her family. I'd never been, so I happily agreed and we hopped the Hampton Jitney and were on our way. Montauk is great. A quaint little beach town / fishing village and being from the Keys I naturally felt right at home. 
 The first day though we had an unfortunate rainstorm that just wouldn't quit. So I seized the opportunity to destroy Katie and her parents in numerous games of Scrabble. What fun! No really, it WAS fun! I love Scrabble. The Scrabble tournament was actually a highlight. 
 We did however have our one night out on the town. Katie and I went to this adorable place called the Surf Lodge, and our night went on from there.

We met some nice folks who wanted to buy us shots and beer! Yay!
We were so excited, we rubbed our noses together and made a wish!
and POOF, a genie appeared out of a beer bottle.

I'm not sure what Katie wished for, but the next thing we knew, this was happening: 

 After that we really had to get out of there. Luckily we met a rad cabby named Taxi Joe who drove us home and told us dirty jokes the entire ride. Sweet!
 The final day of the trip was spent lounging on the beach where I achieved my final crispy sunburn of the summer. It sure felt good. 
 All in all a lovely weekend. Thanks to Katie and the fam for having me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back that thang up!

 For those of you who don't think it's necessary to back up your computer files, or even just think, 'Oh I'll do it later' or 'oh even if my computer starts to act quirky I'll be able to save everything before it's too late.'  THINK AGAIN!  I implore you. It's really not so hard to upload all of your photos onto a sharing sight like flickr, photobucket or even facebook. Most of us have ipods to back up our music. That leaves text files like resumes and bad poetry that we're too shy to post on our blogs and those can all go on discs. 
 I am blogging to you from an empty computer right now. I lost six years of digital photos, mp3 downloads (many of which were purchased) and all of my resumes. Not to mention my borrowed copy of word.  (Anyone have an extra copy for me so I can rewrite those lost resumes?) 
 I'm not gonna totally sucks! So consider this a public service blog on the dangers of not backing up your files. Backitup backitup backitup now! Go, do it. You'll be glad you did. I sure wish I had.
Apparently the same thing happened to Bone-Thugs-and-Harmony once. They also implore you to "Back that thang up!"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baby Ballet!

 Today was the last day of the summer semester at my teaching job. I teach ballet to tots! So we had an open class and the parents came in to watch them gallop around the room, twirl with scarves, and point and flex their toes. At the end of the class I gave them each their own princess crowns and homemade awards. They are so little it's hard to really teach them any actual ballet skills but I am proud of them, for picking up the order of the class and learning how to take turns. They are so cute! Here they are!

Monday, August 25, 2008


 I came across something yesterday that just really tugged at my heartstrings. For reals.
 Let me preface this by saying that ever since I was a little girl, my mother used to refer to anything homely looking ie: a bulldog, or one of those wrinkly hairless cats as being "So ugly that it's cute". Maybe that is the appeal of this little critter I'm about to share with you but I think there's more to it then that. Ok so get ready for this.
 There is a cat named Chase that has no face. I shit you not. This is for real. He was in a terrible accident when he was a four week old kitten and I don't know exactly what happened, but I do know that his face was ripped completely off. We're talking a sweet lovable furry cat that's pure eyeballs and pink flesh. He's a beacon of hope to disfigured people, even non disfigured people everywhere, and he absolutely melts my cold little heart!

And just when you think it couldn't get anymore find out that he has his own blog!

Chase you are the coolest! You are an inspiration.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Reunited Hey heeeeey!

Last night was a special occasion. My friend Ilya was in Town. I met Ilya at least three years ago through my friend Katie. Katie had always been one of my dearest friends that I've had since living in New York. Sadly though, we had a falling out last summer that lead to an estrangement that has somehow lasted until now. The long story short here is that last night I got to see her and talk to her for the first time in a year. And even though things may not be the same between us, it felt really good to see an old friend that has been so missed. 

Now below I will post some pictures of the dancefloor debauchery that also occured.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Someone tell me, wheres the party?

All ages???
This made me laugh.

 I hope there will be a super fun party in my near future. I think I really could use it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome to my blog

 When I was much younger, I always fell victim to wanting whatever trendy thing all the cool kids had. In fourth grade it was fanny packs and these weird glass pacifier charms. In middle school it was these hideous Z-Cavaricci pants:

Today most of the people I know who I consider "cool" have blogs.  Well some things never change and I want one too dammit! So here it is and I will try my best to update it frequently as well as include some photos and videos for your enjoyment. 

Now I leave you with a video of my cat Laserbeam being cute: